Day 19 Prayer – Hope


Dear Prayer Warrior:

Please use this prayer as a guide.  As you pray, listen to the still, small voice of God.

Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you.  Pray for persons or situations you may be personally aware of concerning this issue.  Use scriptures you know as the sword of the Spirit.

Scripture Praise Focus:
“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord,
‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future.’”
(Jeremiah 29:11)

Dear Heavenly Father,

We give You praise and glory that You can do the impossible in the lives of students needing hope and a purpose for living.  You are able to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine.  Lord, knowing that hope deferred makes the heart sick, we ask that You touch each student with the hope and love that only You can provide. (Proverbs 13:12).   As they enter this new semester, we ask you to protect them from the consequences of loss of hope:  disillusionment, poor health, loss of faith, depression and suicidal thoughts. Instead, direct them to Your Word which says all things are possible (Philippians 4:13), Christ is their hope (Ephesians 2:12), Christ will meet all their needs (Phillipians 4:19), and He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).  If they do not know Jesus Christ as Lord, may they turn to Him and trust Him as their Savior.

We pray that students would understand that their hope can be found only in You, Lord.  May they understand that placing their hope in other things like education, achievement, material gain, and good looks lead to disillusionment.  Father, help them to trust in you with their whole heart.  May they be strengthened and encouraged by other Christians on campus.  May they develop a prayer life to produces a closer relationship with You.  We ask that their hope would increase through prayer.  As they pray the secret things of their heart, give them the confidence that you hear them and will answer them and act on their behalf.

Holy Spirit, please lead students to pray for their classmates, their professors, and all those in authority on their campus. Through prayer, we ask that the atmosphere on the campus would be transformed.  May hope-filled prayers dispel hopelessness and despair.  May they usher in revival as more and more trust in You as the anchor of their soul. Father, thank you for being an anchor of hope to the hopeless.  In You they have all they need; hope in You will never fail.  There is hope because all hope comes from you (Psalm 62:5).  “The eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love.” (Psalm 33:18).   May all come to affirm this truth.

We pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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