Arise and Pray

ARISE AND PRAY is a prayer movement created by U ARISE for college students and the people who are passionate about their wellbeing.

The prayer focus for ARISE AND PRAY will be over the forty issues many college students face daily. Each day, a different topic will be chosen to pray over from the issue-centric materials created by Hope for the Heart . The 40-day, 24-hour prayer movement begins on August 24th and ends on October 2nd.

Please sign up to pray in 15 minute slots and encourage others in your circle of influence to do the same. There are prayer resources on this site, including a sample prayer for those who would like to begin their prayer time by reading the prayer out loud to the Lord as a beginning prayer.


U ARISE’s mission is to avert crisis by educating students on the importance of finding their identity through a heightened sense of who they were created to be spiritually, emotionally and physically.  U ARISE is a fund of the Dallas Foundation.

Hope for the Heart

June Hunt, CEO and Chief Servant Officer

June Hunt
CEO and Chief Servant Officer

Hope For The Heart Founder, CEO and CSO June Hunt is one of the world’s leading biblical counselors. An author, singer and speaker, she founded Hope For The Heart in 1986. The ministry has grown nationally with two radio shows on over 300 stations and internationally with over 100 Biblical Counseling Keys published in 27 languages and distributed throughout more than 60 nations.

http://www. hopefortheheart. org