Day 14 Prayer – Envy and Jealousy


Dear Prayer Warrior:

Please use this prayer as a guide.  As you pray, listen to the still, small voice of God.

Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you.  Pray for persons or situations you may be personally aware of concerning this issue.  Use scriptures you know as the sword of the Spirit.

Scripture Praise Focus:
“Not that I am speaking of being in need,
for I have learned in whatever situations I am to be content.”
(Phillipians 4: 11)

Dear Heavenly Father,

We praise You that You are a God who is able to work in the lives of college students to produce true contentment with the gifts and abilities you have given them regardless of circumstances.   “A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.”  (Proverbs 14: 30)  So we pray for our university students that you touch their hearts and minds with the power of Your love and remove any sense of lack.   Replace that need for more with a peaceful, contented heart.  As they enter this new semester, protect them from all envy; envy results in a desire for things while You desire relationship.  For any who do not know Jesus as Savior, we pray that they would accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior, confessing all known sin.

We pray for those students who find it easy to judge based on financial worth or material possessions, making it easy to want what someone else may have.   We ask that they realize their self-worth comes from Christ and Him alone.  Enable them to accept praise and encouragement from friends, family and professors.  May the Holy Spirit make students aware that Your blessings will make them rich without adding sorrow (Proverbs 10:22).   May they be content in all things; anxious for nothing; but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with gratefulness, ask You to satisfy their needs and desires, based on Your plan for them (Philippians 4:6).

Reveal to these students what their true needs are.  Fill them, Holy Spirit, with a desire to live a God-centered, other-centered life.  May they learn to seek the welfare of others and even to pray for their enemies.  May they learn the true meaning of Christian fellowship and the blessing that comes from loving and praying for others as You love and pray for them.  May students and professors learn to work together building a community of learners that You will use to effect change on campus.

According to Jeremiah 29: 11,  we thank you that your plans for our students are for good, not for bad.  And to each one You have a special plan marked by hope.  Your plan is to prosper them as they walk in Your Kingdom purposes.  May every student and every campus be overcome by Your Spirit.

We pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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