Day 3 Prayer – Anger


Dear Prayer Warrior:

Please use this prayer as a guide.  As you pray, listen to the still, small voice of God.

Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you.  Pray for persons or situations you may be personally aware of concerning this issue.  Use scriptures you know as the sword of the Spirit.

Scripture Praise Focus:
“Everyone should be quick to listen,
slow to speak and slow to become angry,
for man’s anger does not bring about the
righteous life that God desires.”
(James 1:20)

Dear Heavenly Father,

Father God, we thank you for seeing us just as we are. We praise you for being big enough to carry our many emotions; yet, intimate enough to draw near to our broken hearts, and hear them beat with rejection, injustice, hurt and, at times, overwhelming frustration.  Thank You for being sovereign when our emotions would tell us no one cares or has a plan for our good.

Teach us to be angry without sinning. Train our hearts to search out your will in our anger. Prompt us to silence as we wait for your guidance.  Move us to respond with appropriate emotion to the injustice and harm that are a part of this journey here.

As we walk our campus, help us to be students who love those who are disenfranchised, lonely and burdened with resentment. Help us to love the angry.  We know there is so much to prompt a person to anger. Give us compassion for those whose first response to Christ and his Church is anger.

Father, by your Spirit, give us the wisdom to respond with your love, grace and salvation to those who would provoke us to anger.   We ask that, through your Spirit, we would be quick to hear and slow to speak.  Remind us that our anger does not produce righteousness.

We ask these things remembering the Gospel. Remembering that you, being slow to anger, did not cast us away, but sent your Son to save us.  Thank you for salvation in Christ, eternal life coming from his righteousness, given to us through his death on the Cross, secured for us by your raising him from the dead. Give us a heart for this Gospel. Help us to remember that in light of this Truth, our momentary anger can be reconciled with your everlasting plan.

We pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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