Day 8 Prayer – Communication


Dear Prayer Warrior:

Please use this prayer as a guide.  As you pray, listen to the still, small voice of God.

Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you.  Pray for persons or situations you may be personally aware of concerning this issue.  Use scriptures you know as the sword of the Spirit.

Scripture Praise Focus:
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths,
but only such as is good for building up,
as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
(Ephesians 4:29)

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for speaking to us in your word. We praise you for the gift of communication. Thank you for creating us with the ability to form thought and express it , to sing beautiful verse, to connect with each other, in conversation, and most importantly with you.

May our words have weight. May our words be true. Teach us to encourage each other, in our speech, and in our silence. Help us to know when to use both words and when to be still and quiet.

As we seek to share the Gospel on our campus, give us wisdom and insight.  Help us to effectively communicate your love and justice that meet perfectly in Christ’s life, death and resurrection.  We know and trust that your word will not return void. Help us to trust in this promise as we seek to lovingly and boldly share the Gospel with students we encounter.

Father, we know that our tongue is a powerful tool. Thank you for your grace and forgiveness when we do not use this tool well. We hope in knowing you are transforming us into Christ image, daily. Thank you for beginning this work on the Cross. Thank you for continuing this work until its completion.  May our words give testimony to the Gospel of grace.

We pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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