Day 7 Prayer – Codependency
Dear Prayer Warrior:
Please use this prayer as a guide. As you pray, listen to the still, small voice of God.
Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. Pray for persons or situations you may be personally aware of concerning this issue. Use scriptures you know as the sword of the Spirit.
Scripture Praise Focus:
“For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God?
Or am I trying to please man?
If I were still trying to please man,
I would not be a servant of Christ.”
(Galatians 1:10)
Dear Heavenly Father,
Father God, how our relationships are in need of you! Thank you for being a relational God. Thank you for sacrificing your Son for the opportunity to be in relationship with us. Bring healing to our hearts and our relationships.
In our need for community and connection, we admit to having put earthly relationships ahead of a relationship with you. Forgive us for making idols out of our friendships and/or dating relationships. We know that in doing so, we have worshiped another god, a god of our own creation. Forgive us for pursuing another individual that will never be able to love us, bring us peace or satisfied our souls the way you do.
As we model the Gospel, on our campus, help us to initiate and maintain relationships with friends and students that clearly display you as God, sustainer, provider and peace. Break us of using relationships as a way to meet our needs and show us how to find our needs met in you. Shine a light on the areas in our life and thinking that need boundaries. Use our friendships and dating relationships to point to you.
We are so thankful that you are a God whose heart is set on reconciling us to you, in healing and blessing our relationship with you. We praise you for the way Christ abided in you and you in him. We are so thankful for his obedience in sacrificing his life on our behalf. May our relationships be an act of worship.
We pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!
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