Day 21 Prayer – Loneliness


Dear Prayer Warrior:

Please use this prayer as a guide.  As you pray, listen to the still, small voice of God.

Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you.  Pray for persons or situations you may be personally aware of concerning this issue.  Use scriptures you know as the sword of the Spirit.

Scripture Praise Focus:
“God has said: Never will I leave you,
never will I forsake you.”
(Hebrews 13:5)

Dear Heavenly Father,

We give You praise and glory that You can do the impossible in the lives of students feeling isolated and alone.  You are able to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine.  There is nothing too difficult for You.  So today, Lord, we ask that You remove the feeling of loneliness among students studying in our universities.  Please touch their hearts and minds with the power of Your love and presence.   As they enter this new semester, protect them from the lies of loneliness, of being unknown, unheard, and unseen.  You are with them, know them, hear them, and see them.  For those who do not know Jesus as Savior, we pray that they would turn from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, so that they might receive forgiveness of sins  (Acts 26:18).

We pray for students who try to cope with loneliness through social media, online gaming, and many other unproductive interactions.  These distractions have often taken them from loving interactions with You and others.   We pray for students who feel isolated from their families, especially international students, as this may be their first time away from home.   May the Holy Spirit make students aware that You are with them and have promised them comfort and that You will come to them (John 14:18) no matter who they are or where they are.  May they know that nothing can separate them from Your love, even if they are experiencing rejection from friends or family.  You are there no matter the situation (Psalm 27:10).   We pray that Your presence is made tangible in their lives through new relationships of caring, encouragement and support.  We pray these relationships will be reciprocal and deep, not based on the number of friends or other human measures, but on the quality of the friendships.

Lord, we ask that as each student reaches for friendship, that they be met with kindness and respond with kindness.  We also ask that students, staff and faculty at our colleges and universities would enjoy quality time alone with You, absorbing your love and tapping into the greatest “power source” in all creation.    May Your presence and power dwell on the campuses in such a strong way that Your truth would comfort and befriend the lonely.

Father, we are grateful that You hear our prayers.  We are confident in Your promise that You are always with us and will never forsake us.  As we praise and thank You, please make Your presence known to the lonely in tangible ways and remove the feelings and lies of being forgotten, overlooked, and forsaken.

We pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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